報名資格 / Sign up
1. Users of Android phone.(iOS phone users will be unable to participate.)
2.登錄與「Google Play」相同之「Gmail信箱」進行申請。
2.Log-in to sign up with your Gmail account which is the same as Google Play’s one.
申請時間 / Time
即日起至08/22(四)12:00(8/26更新: 追加5,000名額,額滿即關閉系統)
Now – Thursday, Aug. 22nd at 12:00 (GMT+8)
(8/26 update: Opened for another 5,000 players until the number is reached.)
招募名額 / Quota
30,000名 / 30,000 players
“Participants will be randomly selected. You can look up from this website to check whether you get the eligibility or not on Friday, Aug. 23rd 12:00 (GMT+8).”
(8/21 update: To thank all your support, everyone will be able to sign up for CBT without limited quota. You won’t need to look up whether you get the qualification anymore!)

測試時間 / Time
8/26 更新:
8/26 update:
CBT will be held all day long from 9/12(Thu) 10:00 to 9/16(Mon) 10:00(GMT+8). Please follow up 《Mega Man X DiVE》 FB Fanpage for the latest news.
09/09 更新:
點擊下載連結後,請按下「成為測試人員」之後,請依照Google Play上的流程指示進行下載。
09/09 update:
CBT app can be downloaded NOW.
Click the link above and then “BECOME A TESTER”. Please follow the instructions to download.
The details will be announced on 《Mega Man X DiVE》 FB Fanpage.

- 本次活動為刪檔測試,測試期間之角色資料及遊戲歷程將不會保留。
- 本次開放為封閉測試,開放期間可能發生系統或伺服器發生不可抗力之因素而導致無法登入遊戲時,官方將關機進行維修並敬請見諒。
- 針對本次活動如有任何消息,將於官方粉絲團上進行公告。
- 本公司保留上述活動取消、終止、修改或暫停權利,若有變動將依官網粉絲團公告說明為主。
- Please note that all data from closed beta test accounts will be deleted after the event.
- We may shut down the system for maintenance because of any unpreventable factor/problem during the event period. Thanks for your consideration for any inconvenience caused.
- Event notices will be announced at our fanpage if there is any change.
- Capcom Taiwan LTD. reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the content of event. Please follow up our fanpage for the latest notices.